I've worked in the Information Technology field since roughly 1978, finding it challenging and rewarding. I even worked on an Osborne I computer (can you say “luggable suitcase”?) and purchased a DEC Rainbow computer for home, before IBM even came out with their own PC. I even paid over $400 for a 1200 baud external Hayes modem, long before there was an Internet. Those were the days!
I love working in this field because of the variety of skills required, how fast this area changes and how much of life is affected by computer technology. For many, many years I played (it was never work) with things that others were confused or scared of. I still get great pleasure when friends call me in to help them with problems on their home computers that I can quickly make go away.
Then I discovered that all these skills that God has allowed me to learn and love can be used by Him in a fantastic way. In the Fall of 2005, JAARS, the technical support arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators, visited our area and I saw a presentation on how Information Technology is being used to speed translating and presenting the truth of God to unreached peoples throughout the world. It also presented how critically short staffed Christian missions organizations are with qualified IT people such as me.
I realized God has been preparing me to use all the training and work of the past 28 years for His glory.
So, my wife and I completed Wycliffe's membership process this May and are now looking for people to join us as prayer and financial partners so that we can begin fulltime ministry. (I avoid saying fulltime *work* because of the joy I receive “doing IT”.)
For me, IT (Information Technology) is not a job.
I love working in this field because of the variety of skills required, how fast this area changes and how much of life is affected by computer technology. For many, many years I played (it was never work) with things that others were confused or scared of. I still get great pleasure when friends call me in to help them with problems on their home computers that I can quickly make go away.
Then I discovered that all these skills that God has allowed me to learn and love can be used by Him in a fantastic way. In the Fall of 2005, JAARS, the technical support arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators, visited our area and I saw a presentation on how Information Technology is being used to speed translating and presenting the truth of God to unreached peoples throughout the world. It also presented how critically short staffed Christian missions organizations are with qualified IT people such as me.
I realized God has been preparing me to use all the training and work of the past 28 years for His glory.
So, my wife and I completed Wycliffe's membership process this May and are now looking for people to join us as prayer and financial partners so that we can begin fulltime ministry. (I avoid saying fulltime *work* because of the joy I receive “doing IT”.)
For me, IT (Information Technology) is not a job.