On my way to Nairobi, Kenya

BTL (Bible Translation and Literacy) located in Nairobi, Kenya, is finally moving into a new 3 story building that will also hold at least two other Bible translation partners. As a result, BTL has purchased new server and network hardware and needs to make some significant infrastructure changes and review some other parts of their computer strategy.

The VP of International Technologies returned from a recent trip and told me that BTL wanted me to come soon to help them. When I found out the 3rd week in January that they wanted me immediately, we were able to settle on a 3 week trip starting February 1st. Fortunately, with the exception of a tetanus shot (which I got last week), I was ready to go.

It basically takes a day and 1/2 to get from Waxhaw to Nairobi. JAARS purchased tickets for leaving 6 am yesterday (Saturday) and I would have arrived in Nairobi today at 2:55 pm. It didn't happen that way at all.

A winter storm "just happened" to hit the local area with some snow, more sleet and a bunch of freezing rain. The south freaks out if there's even a rumor of snow: little to no experience with it plus no equipment to handle the roads or, in this case, the airport. My flight yesterday morning was canceled because the plane had parked here overnight and they wouldn't be able to prepare it in time.

"Just happened"? NOT! God actually used the storm to give my wife and I one more day with my son and his family before they returned to Guam for the next two years of duty with the Navy.

My flight was rescheduled to this morning (Sunday), same time same place.

Stay tuned.
