It's been a really long time!

We have always used this blog as a way to connect with people interested in our ministry while we are "on mission", that is, traveling to another part of the world to serve God and others with our abilities.  If you look at the date of the posting just before this, you'll realize that it's been almost 5 years since we returned to the US from Papua New Guinea.

Yes, that seems like forever and a day ago.  Since then Julie's mom and my dad have gone to be with Jesus and our life has been busy here, both with our assignments with Wycliffe at the JAARS Center, and with family events.  (Keeping up with our kids and two granddaughters is a full-time job!)

We leave for our next trip on March 4th and, as before, we hope to post updates every 2-3 days (more often as time and cool stories allows) once we actually head to a month-long assignment in Indonesia (starting March 25th).

Hope you enjoy the trip!
