Not the easy life

We've sent out several email updates this past week about different security issues.  Most people who check this blog are probably on our email list so are aware of details beyond what we'll discuss here.  Still, because this is a blog and supposed to chronicle our experiences and thought on a timeline, I wanted to summarize what our week has been like.

I want to emphasize that our perspective is that this life is a spiritual battle.  The goal of Satan and Man's built-in nature to be selfish and angry all conspire to trip us up and make us turn away from God and His beauty.  We are attempting to answer God's calling and help fulfill His plan of redemption.  Our work here is rewarding.

At the same time, we current feel a heavy cloud covers us, blocking out the warmth of the sun.  Evil seems to lurk just outside our doors and we make sure they are double and triple bolted shut.  We're cautious of walking outside where God has planted beautful flowers and ringed our valley with mountains.

So, the events of this week have really challenged our courage and our vision of God.

First, the closest village made demands on our organization that were outrageously impossible and unreasonable to meet.  After much discussion, often heated, they then  intimidated and chased away our security force and chased away hired laborers who were to complete an important water project for the center.  Extra guards and senior police officials were called in to maintain peace.  Many men here the on center took one or two days off from translation work to take over the completion of the water project, shoveling literally tons of dirt by hand.  Village leaders were threatened by the provincial police commissioner with arrest.

And so a modicom of peace returned Tuesday... until Friday.

A drunk from a different village caused problems for our security guards late Friday night.  He was beaten and attacked by a dog in front of our house.  Julie saw most of this from a distance and I witnessed the event a little.  The man escaped over a fence but was brought back by his village the next morning, seriously hurt.  There were charges and discussion and the man was treated and released by our clinic.  Friday night several men from that village beat a security guard out at our airport.  On Sunday night, another guard at the airport was shot and killed.  We can't confirm the killer was from the same village. 

The center was closed today (Monday) to join with the security force in mourning this death, to give time for things to settle down, and provide time for the police to work.  No outsiders were allowed onto the center.  Even market day was cancelled despite nationals coming many miles with their produce.  Again, we men took over manning the two entrances and the Center crisis management team is staying in touch via radios.

We are convinced that expats and the center are not targets.  The issues are between locals and the security force.

Not the way we want to live but this is the situation God has placed us in.  We're praying for peace and justice.  We're praying for restored relationships and for the gift of being able to get on with Bible translation.

God is teaching us.  He is stretching us.  He is giving us opportunity to talk with the locals and share the love of Christ that is within our hearts.

Lord, have mercy on the people of this valley. 

Please pray that joy will replace the sadness we feel, especially Julie. 


bel said…
It's horrid to think of a man being beaten and attacked by a dog... I find it difficult to know what to think of all of that. I just hope you two stay safe. Love, b