Be thankful... in all things?

Mary works at JAARS and was in contact with me by email earlier this week and we exchanged comments about the security situation here in Ukarumpa.  Today she shared a story.

When I was there in 1994-97 it was not good either. One night a mosquito was buzzing around and keeping me awake. I finally turned on the light, so I could see to kill it. Never could find it, so I turned off the light again. In the morning, we noticed our kitchen screens had been cut. We had a security wire attached across the screen, but I think they had dismantled it. (it was a cheap kind) But what I realized that morning is, that when I turned on the light, they thought I had heard them, and they left. Have never been so thankful for a mosquito.

May the Lord give you His peace and wisdom and safety.

In Him,



bel said…
So you should just set your lights to automatically go on and off all night :)