I've had several people ask how the Korean printer installation went. (If you don't know what this is about, read two blog entries below.)
I did download the print driver installation program from HP's website and loaded it onto a USB thumb drive. I had planned on doing this during our day off for Independence Day. Julie and I got to sleep in until 8:30 am !! at which point we found ourselves waking up to the sound of repetitive pounding.
Towering over the house |
We found that our Korean neighbor had hired a national to do some serious trimming on (what turned out to be) a eucalyptus tree which was towering over the house. The neighbor who lives in between our houses told us that this had been done just 5 years before and that this type of tree grows very fast. You betcha! Notice in the first of the series of photos the portion that is much lower and fuller, half the height of the tree. Everything else is new growth.
The national (almost seen in the picture above, just over halfway up on the right) was working his way around and up the tree barefoot, with no safety harness/equipment, and cutting off branches with only a small hatchet. He must have started around 8 am and, except for the traditional short 10 am break for tea and bisquets and then another for the lunch hour, he rarely stopped for more than two minutes for his right arm to rest.
Limbs kept dropping left and right routinely. None ever came close to hitting the house though a couple nicked the tall, razor-wire topped, perimeter security fence that runs behind our houses.
As for the printer, I was invited in again by the wife, Yun, after having slipped off my footwear at the door. (This is not only an oriental tradition but also commonly practiced here in PNG where the days are often muddy.) Yun had decided that it would be simpler and just fine for me to set up the printer on the English computer, even though I offered to do this on both this and the Korean one. I got away lucky, almost. Wouldn't you know that the English computer was so old that it didn't recognize that I'd plugged in the USB drive. How was I going to set up the printer if I couldn't get to and run the setup program? Anyways, I found that the computer was confused and I simply had to tell it to reinstall some software to tell it how to work with the USB drive. Whew!
Way, way up |
Setting up the printer after that was a breeze and I was out of there in short order. On the way out, I advised Yun that the sturdy branches that were laying around on the ground and some already trimmed and stacked next to the house were a security hazard. The Raskols love to use them as leverage bars to pry off the metal window bars and gain entrance to homes. I told Yun why she should find a way to make them disappear as soon as possible. She told me that she hadn't heard that before and was thankful for the information.
We took a few more pictures of the man's progress as it became easier to see him way up there after he'd cleared out so much foliage. I only wish I'd taken one final picture of the tree totally topped/trimmed for you to compare the difference. (Maybe I'll do that tomorrow and update this blog).
I wonder if anyone else has computer problems... I'm getting hungry again.