In Mission Frontiers magazine from the US Center for World Mission, an article by Paul Eshleman, "The State of the Unfinished Task," reports that the number 1 priority in world missions is Scripture Translation.
What are the top 5?
Number 5: Church planting and presence
Number 4: Reaching oral learners (the area Julie is invested herself)
Number 3: Increasing evangelism, with a focus on Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus
Number 2: Engaging the Unengaged People Groups
Number 1: Scripture Translation
Wycliffe focuses on #1, #2 and #4 and is participating in #5? It's all about the power of the Word of God.
Number 5: Church planting and presence
Number 4: Reaching oral learners (the area Julie is invested herself)
Number 3: Increasing evangelism, with a focus on Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus
Number 2: Engaging the Unengaged People Groups
Number 1: Scripture Translation
Wycliffe focuses on #1, #2 and #4 and is participating in #5? It's all about the power of the Word of God.
The article is only two pages long, easily opened or downloaded, and very quick reading. Click on the link above to grab the article and understand each of these five areas better.
Pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers for the fields are white with harvest.