Monday after Easter is a national holiday, so Julie and Ruben only worked half
a day. We regrouped at the guest house to head for the annual parade which
would start mid-afternoon and last until 10 p.m. We wouldn’t stay for all of
it, but we were curious to see what it would be.

Kupang area churches had each created a float and a drama to represent Bible events chronologically from Adam
and Eve to Revelation. We stayed until seven p.m. when the New Testament floats
were just beginning to come by.
each float were 50-100 teens and young adults from that float’s church. Each
wore tee shirts printed with bold proclamations of faith in Jesus—More of God,
Less of Me; Connecting with Christ; Jesus Is My Savior; Christ is My King….
Indonesia has the highest Muslim population in the world, but in West Timor there is freedom to proclaim Jesus Christ and there is a movement stirring among the young. Praise God for the boldness of their testimony.

Indonesia has the highest Muslim population in the world, but in West Timor there is freedom to proclaim Jesus Christ and there is a movement stirring among the young. Praise God for the boldness of their testimony.